Bodyweight Lower Body AMRAP [30 Minutes]

Here you are my loves… I’m 98.5% sure that this might just be the hardest workout I’ve created. EVER. And if that doesn’t get you excited, I have no idea what will ha! 

There are a few things that will make this workout less intimidating though. 1) All exercises are bodyweight only 2) It’s an AMRAP format, which is a great option for taking things at your own pace 3) There aren’t any push-ups -- or any upper body exercises for that matter. That’s a win in and of itself right?!

I know it can be really difficult for some of us to get up the motivation to crush a workout of this intimidation factor solo sooo… my suggestion is that if you’re someone who is more externally motivated than internally, find yourself a partner or 7 and do it all together. Do that and it’s guaranteed to be just as hard but WAYYYY more fun because you’re all in it together!!

This stand-alone, 30-minute lower body AMRAP workout is nothing short of a burner that will leave you sore for days. I won’t sugar coat anything here [not my vibe] it was a STRUGGLE to get through 30 minutes of this. Your legs will burn and if you don’t take breaks, you’re insane. BUT with struggle always comes great reward -- you’ll feel so accomplished afterwards!! Start with a quick warm up focusing on that lower body then do not, I repeat, do not forget a cool down afterwards. Unless you’d like to grimace every time you visit the toilet -- I guess that’s your call. 

Not really into following along with a LIVE workout? No sweat, write down the workout below, set your own timer and let it rip!


12 3way Lunges [bilateral]

12 Cossack Squats [bilateral]

12 SL Squats [bilateral] -- can sub pistols if you’d like!

25 Tarantulas

25 Split Lunge Jumps w/ Pulse

25 Burpee Squat Jumps

The goal is to get through as many rounds of this as possible -- I PROMISE you’re legs are going to feel it both during and after the workout. Remember to modify any movements necessary, be intentional with your movements and most importantly, do not give up. You can do this!

Be sure to look for new LIVE workout drops in the weeks to come right here on the blog -- or you can always access all of our previous ones here and on IG. Get to WORKKKK!!

Bodyweight Workout, AMRAP, Lower Body Workout, Full Length Workout Video, At Home Workout, 30 Minute Workout, Define Fettle, HIIT


If you have questions about the movements, just need some human interaction or anything in between, shoot me a note at -- I would love to hear from you!

Looking for more at home workout recommendations?

Check out my Dumbbell Upper Body Strengthening Tabata, Bodyweight EMOM Workout or 30 Minute Equipment Free Total Body YogaBurn  

P.S. Head over to my Instagram to follow along with my everyday life and find even more recipes, workouts and travel tips