Gentle Morning Flow [15 Minutes]
2 blog posts in 1 week… who the heck am I?! This specific post comes to you ℅ many of YOUR requests for something that’s a “little slower”... something that’s “a good option for a rest day”... something that’s “a little less impact on the joints.”
As much I as love short & sweet HIIT workouts and sweaty, plank-filled burn classes… there’s no denying the power behind breath work, mindfulness and a good yoga flow. This is true at all times, but especially right now. If you’re like me, the changes that we’re all facing with our current situation can bring up a mixture of emotions. Some days can feel freeing and positive as we focus on slowing down & all of the good that has come from this while others it seems really difficult to look past all of the struggle and unknown to find the silver lining. As these days come and go, I challenge you to take note of those difficult days - to allow yourself to feel all of those scared and anxious and sad emotions. And then I challenge you to share those emotions with others around you.
Call or FaceTime your friends and family, tell them that you’re sad that you don’t know when you’ll be able to see them next. Virtual happy hour with your friends and share both the good and the bad of your week, get real with them. Write an email, mail a letter or send a text & tell someone how much they really mean to you. Nothing ever gets better if we shy away from our true emotions and we don’t have a choice to hide from the reality of what’s going on.
A big source of solace that I’ve found personally through this all is connection. We’re in this all together so through the coming days, weeks & quite frankly, months that are sure to come… be okay with being the rock for others at times and allowing them to be the rock for you at others. Breathe, love, get outside, move your body, get creative, rest, relax and maybe, just maybe this Good Morning Flow can help you start your day off on a positive note.
Sending so, so much love and happiness to all of you right now. ENJOY!
If you have questions about the flow, just need some human interaction or anything in between, shoot me a note at --I would love to hear from you!
Looking for more at home workout recommendations?
Check out my 20 Minute HIIT Cardio + Abs Workout, 20 Minute Total Body AMRAP or 8 Strengthening Resistance Band Exercises
P.S. Head over to my Instagram to follow along with my everyday life and find even more recipes, workouts and travel tips!