8 Strengthening Resistance Band Exercises

8 Strengthening Resistance Band Exercises + The Benefits Of At-Home Workouts

Complete this routine 3x through for a total body strengthening workout that can be done in your very own backyard, at the cabin, or wherever else your summer travels take you!

If you’ve been following me long enough you might already know that even though I do enjoy going to the gym, yoga studio and trying out new fitness classes occasionally, I’m also a HUGE fan of home workouts and the convenience they bring to my day. So today, I’m sharing 5 reasons why home workouts work for me!

5 Benefits of At-Home Workouts

1.     Home Workouts Are Mood Boosters

a.      When you workout at home you have the option to take your workout outdoors, boost your endorphins and soak up all of that vitamin D!

2.     Home Workouts Are Cost Efficient

a.       No gym fees. No monthly due at the studio. Minimal equipment needed.  No babysitter. Etc. Etc.

3.     Home Workouts Are Time Saving

a.      No drive time + no locker room time + no waiting in line for the squat rack = so much saved time!

4.     Home Workouts Eliminate Excuses

a.      Try to find an excuse for not working out when you can do it right in your basement/backyard/living room and it can take as little as 20 minutes of your day… I dare you.

5.     Home Workouts Are Comfortable

a.      This one is 2-fold. First off, if you’re uncomfortable exercising in front of a large group of people this is the perfect option for you and secondly, you can wear whatever the heck you want without worrying what others might say or think.

I know that not everyone shares my same opinion of home workouts, but especially for summertime when I would rather be outside than inside or again on days when I have minimal time to designate to working out, home workouts just make my life so much easier!

8 Strengthening Resistance Band Exercises

Complete 15 reps of each exercise {bilaterally if needed} before moving on to the next exercise. After completing all 8 exercises, repeat 2 more times for a total body strengthening workout that can be done in your very own backyard, at the cabin, or wherever else your summer travels take you!

Squats: Standing with your feet hip width distance apart, begin to flex at the knee while sending your glutes straight back behind you. Keep your core engaged by pulling your belly button to your spine and shoulder blades squeezed together to lift your chest. Once you’ve hit your lowest range of motion {ROM} begin to stand by engaging the glutes to extend both the knees and the hips. Be sure you come to a full standing position before beginning your next rep.

Wood chops: Standing on top of the resistance band with feet hip width distance apart, hinge forward and reach to grab onto the handle beside your left foot with both hands. Begin to pull the up and over your opposite shoulder while engaging your core, extending your hips and rotating through your torso. Once at the top, slowly begin to lower the band back to the starting position with complete control. Repeat on the opposite side.

Bicep to Hammer Curl:  Standing on top of the band, feet hip width distance apart, grasping onto the handles {or for more resistance the actual band itself}. With palms facing upwards and elbows glued to your ribcage, begin to flex the elbow, bringing the handles closer to your shoulders, then slowly release back to the starting position. Now flipping your thumbs to face the ceiling, repeat the same elbow flexion/extension for the hammer curl.

Bent Over Upright Rows: Standing on top of the band crossed at knee height, feet hip width distance apart, belly button pulled tight to your spine, begin to hinge forward at yours hips. Squeezing your shoulder blades together, lift your elbows up and back, bringing them to shoulder height. Lower back to your starting position, slow and controlled.

Tricep Extensions: Standing on top of the band, feet hip width distance apart, grasping onto the handles {or for more resistance the actual band itself} begin to hinge forward at the hips. Keeping your core engaged, pull your elbows up and back, squeezing them together behind you. Then, while your elbows stay glued to your rib cage, extend your elbows so that your wrists lift behind you. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

Lunges w/ Rotation: Standing with your right foot forward, left foot back, loop the handles of the resistance band around your forearms {to get them out of the way} and grasp onto the band itself. Keeping the majority of your weight in your front heel, lower down until your knee is bent to roughly 90 degrees. Once at the bottom of your lunge, keep your right hand centered over your right knee as you twist and open your torso to the left, pulling your left arm behind you, squeezing your shoulder blades together and opening your chest. Slow and with control return yourself to a forward facing position and squeezing your inner thighs and glutes come back to a standing position. Repeat on the opposite side.

Donkey Kicks: Lowering yourself into a table top position {shoulders stacked over wrists, hips over knees} slide your left foot through the handle of the resistance band. Grab the center of the band with your left hand before planting it back onto the mat, and place the opposite end of the band beneath your right hand. Flex your foot and begin extending your left hip and knee behind you, then slowly returning to your starting position. In order to reduce the amount of tension on your low back, be sure to keep your belly button pulled tight to your spine {core engaged} throughout the entire movement. Repeat on the opposite side.

Core Kickouts: Lying on the mat with the resistance band around the soles of your feet and grasping onto the handles or the band itself, press your low back into the mat by pulling your belly button back towards your spine. Begin to flex your hips to 90 degrees and your knees to 45 degrees. Slowly extend both your hips and knees by pressing through the soles of your feet and move back to your starting position with full control, being mindful to never let your low back lift off of the mat beneath you.

*Note: be sure to listen to your body and modify interval lengths/rest time when needed + eliminate any jumping to make the exercises low impact.


Chat with me!

Have you ever used resistance bands for training? What are your favorite ways to move in the outdoors? Do you have any fun trips planned for the summer?

P.S. Looking for more at-home workout options? Check out my 20 Minute HIIT Cardio + Abs Workout or my 20 Minute Total Body AMRAP

P.P.S. Be sure to follow along with me on Facebook//Instagram//Twitter//Pinterest and Snapchat [definefettle] to ensure you don’t miss out on healthy recipes, workouts, and daily inspiration.