Dumbbell HIIT Workout

Dumbbell HIIT Workout

There’s nothing better than a HIIT workout to get you breathing heavy, that heart-rate pumping and those calories burning. The fact that these workouts can be done anywhere, with very little time commitment, make them all the better!

HIIT workouts are easily one of my favorite ways to get my exercise in lately but how many people actually know what HIIT even means? Or better yet, what the benefits are and why so many of us just can’t get enough of this tough, sweaty style of exercise? Maybe you do know the answers to these questions already, but if not… I’m here to help!

What is HIIT? High Intensity Interval Training. Essentially this is any workout that alternates between intense periods of activity and less intense periods of activity or maybe even rest.  

What are the benefits?

  • Increased metabolism post-workout

  • Quick and efficient/shorter workouts

  • Increased muscular strength

  • Decreased cravings

  • Increased cardiovascular and muscular endurance

  • Increased caloric expenditure

  • No equipment/gym necessary

Where can you find HIIT workouts?

  • Online: Use that addiction you have to social media to save some killer workouts from your favorite fitness influencers.

  • Locally: type in a good ol’ Google search and I guarantee there are tons of gyms and boutique fitness studios that offer some sort of HIIT class near you. If you’re in Minneapolis, my favorite place for this type of workout is Alchemy {not sponsored just a real obsession lately} otherwise, check out my Twin Cities Fitness Guide for other options as well.

  • Home: Grab some weights or just yourself, think of 4-6 movements and go hard for a set period of time {30-45 seconds} then rest for a set period of time {usually around 15 seconds} and move onto the next. You can decide a time limit or how many rounds your entire workout will consist of, but either way, you’ll be getting a great workout!



Complete each exercise for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds and move on to the next exercise. Once you’ve completed all exercises in the circuit, begin again. Complete 2 more rounds for a heart-rate pumping, calorie torching home workout that takes <25 minutes!

Equipment Needed: 1 set of dumbbells. I used 15lb dumbbells, but do what works for you.

Note: be sure to listen to your body and modify exercises/interval lengths/rest time when needed.

1. Weighted Squat To Reverse Lunge {bilateral}

2. 1 Broad Jump Forward/3 Backward

3. Chaturanga Push-Up w/ Hinge

4. Skier w/ SL Hop {bilateral}

5. Side Lunge To Shoulder Press {bilateral}

6. Fast Feet

7. Seated Ab Press

8. Army Crawl Burpee

Complete 2-3x more!

Weighted Squat To Reverse Lunge

Begin standing at the top of your space with your weights gently resting on your shoulders. Sink your hips back behind you, keeping the majority of your weight in your heels until you reach the bottom of your squat. From there fire up your glutes and drive your hips forward as you stand back up to reach a fully extended position. From there, plant your left foot to the mat/floor and send your right leg back behind you. Ensuring that your left knee is directly over your left ankle, squeeze your left glute, hamstrings and inner thighs to bring you back to a standing {full hip extension} position. Repeat on the other side.

HIIT Workout, Squat, Reverse Lunge, Dumbbells, At Home Workout

1 Broad Jump Forward/3 Backward

Begin at the back of your mat/space. Stand with your feet hip-width distance apart, slight bend in your knees and core/glutes engaged. Sink your hips back behind you a few inches to prepare, then launch as far forward as you can, landing softly. Continuing to stay low in your squat, take 3 small hops backwards to bring you back to your starting position. Repeat again.

Broad Jumps, Cardio Options, Home Workout, Exercise, Cardio, HIIT, Define Fettle

Chaturanga Push-Up w/ Hinge

Begin in a high plank position, pulling your core in tight, engaging your inner thighs and pressing up between the space between your shoulder blades. Next, lower yourself halfway down. Keep your elbows squeezed into your rib cage the entire time then hinge forward a few inches so that you are on your tiptoes. Hinge back to your chaturanga push-up position and then press yourself back up to high plank and begin again.

Chaturanga, Chaturanga Push Up, Push Up Variation, Home Workout, Define Fettle

Skier w/ SL Hop

Begin standing in the center of your space with your weights at your shoulders. With your left foot, take a large step to the left and sink your hips back behind you while keeping your toes facing forward and lowering the weights down towards the ground. Press through your left glute to lift you back to a standing position, while simultaneously bringing your weights back to your shoulders, straight up into an overhead press and back down to your shoulders. Repeat on the other side.

Skier w/ SL Hop, Cardio, No Equipment Cardio, Cardiovascular, HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training, Define Fettle

Side Lunge To Shoulder Press.

Begin standing in the center of your space with your weights at your shoulders. With your left foot, take a large step to the left and sink your hips back behind you while keeping your toes facing forward and lowering the weights down towards the ground. Press through your left glute to lift you back to a standing position, while simultaneously bringing your weights back to your shoulders, straight up into an overhead press and back down to your shoulders. Repeat on the other side.

Side Lunge, Glute, Total Body Workout, Exercise, Home Exercise, Home Workout, HIIT,

Fast Feet

Begin in an athletic position {knees slightly bent, core engaged, tall spine} and start to move your feet as quickly as possible. Now add in some gentle arms swings forward and backward. To make this exercise more difficult, sink your hips lower and move your feet faster.

Fast Feet, Cardio, Define Fettle, HIIT Home Workout, High Intensity, HIIT, Workouts

Seated Ab Press

Take a seat on your mat and rest directly on your SITS bones while squeezing your dumbbells together and holding them just a few inches off your chest. Next, lift your heel to a 90/90 position. Exhale as you extend your arms and press the weights away, inhale and you bring the weight back towards your body.

Core Exercises, Seated Ab Press, Total Body Workout, 30 Minute Workout, Home Workout, HIIT,

Army Crawl Burpee

Begin by jumping straight up into the air then immediately upon landing, hop yourself back to a high plank position. Keeping your hips steady {not allowing them to rock side to side}, lower to your left forearm then your right. Next, plant your left hand to the mat and then your right to raise you back up to a high plank position. Hop your feet to meet your hands and begin again, this time lowering/lifting your right side before your left and alternating every other moving forward.

Burpee, Burpee Variation, HIIT, Burpees Then Brunch, Home Workout, Home Exercise, Total Body Workout

Chat with me!

How often do you participate in HIIT style exercise? What other types of workouts do you enjoy? When the weather is nice do you still enjoy the gym or would you exercise outside?

P.S. Looking for more at-home workout options? Check out my 20 Minute HIIT Cardio + Abs Workout, 20 Minute Total Body AMRAP or 8 Strengthening Resistance Band Exercises

P.P.S. Be sure to follow along with me on Facebook//Instagram//Twitter//Pinterest and Snapchat [definefettle] to ensure you don’t miss out on healthy recipes, workouts, and daily inspiration.

Dumbbell HIIT Workout, Home Workout, HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training, Fitness Blogger, 30 Minute Workout, Total Body Workout, Define Fettle