What I'm Into Lately {July 2016}

What I’m Into Lately {July 2016}

Sharing all of my favorite finds over the past month—food, fitness + health related, projects or intentions I’m working on, and basically whatever else that’s really been speaking to me this month.

Well, it’s finally here! I’m officially on vacation for the next 2.5 weeks and I honestly don’t think life could be much better! I will definitely be writing some posts about my West Coast Road Trip when I return, but for now, be sure to follow along with me on all social media platforms {including SNAPCHAT} at @definefettle! That being said, it’s time for the July edition of {What I’m Into Lately} and I’ve got some pretty cool finds for you this month, so let’s get started!

Food: Food, food, food--- literally one of my very favorite things in life EVER! I was never remotely close to being a {foodie} but then I met Austin, the food connoisseur himself! Together over the past 2.5 years we’ve scoped out some pretty amazing restaurants as well as cooking up an uncountable amount of downright mouth-watering homemade dishes! However, this past month meals have been extremely basic, quick, and filled with homegrown garden vegetables! This is partially because we were on the 21-day sugar detox {Interested? My next coaching group starts September 6th, join us HERE!} and partially because we don’t spend much time in the kitchen during the summer months, since we’d rather be outside, but either way, the meals were still delicious! I’m pretty sure I ate veggie hash/skillets for dinner 3-4 nights/week and I’m still nowhere near sick of them. Veggie skillets FTW!

paleo diet, sugar detox, mindful eating, garden vegetables, homegrown, health blog, paleo blog, fitness blog
health coaching, minneapolis, twin cities, paleo, just eat real food, grain free, gluten free, dairy free
Real food, 21dsd, 21 day sugar detox, coaching, minneapolis, no sugar, elimination diet,
group fitness instructor, ACE, american council on exercise, fitness professional, personal trainer

Fitness: In regards to my workouts, I’ve been sweating it up in YogaFit’s new format YogaBurn 2-3x/week and slowly starting to add runs back into my routine since the BF and I made it into the Twin Cities 10 Mile race which is in early October. I’ve been pretty far off the grid with my running lately {like the least I’ve ran throughout summer since I began} and I am actually really excited to get back into it! I am also extremely excited to announce that within the past month I passed the ACE exam and am now a certified group fitness instructor! Wahoo! I’m totally stoked to start teaching and interacting even more with those who hold the same passion for health and fitness as I do! 

Beauty/Skincare: This month I’m combining these 2 categories because what I’m sharing technically falls under both. Have you ever heard of Dry Brushing? Well, up until I stumbled upon a blog post about it from {Wellness Mama} neither had I! But, after reading all about the benefits this health practice can offer {increased lymph function, decreased cellulite appearance, clearer skin, etc.} I knew that I had to at least try it. I ordered this brush right from amazon and began brushing each day before showering, spending extra time in areas that seem to be prone to cellulite {aka upper legs/glutes}. It’s not the most comfortable process, but I 100% believe that it works wonders as my skin cleared and cellulite visibility decreased! All for just a few extra minutes of self-care a day? I’ll take it!

my intent, intentional living, holistic lifestyle, health coach, pelistones, bracelets, arm bling,

Product: This month {and for probably every month after this} I am obsessed with my new wrist-bling. No, it’s not a sparkling diamond bracelet, it’s called a #myintent bracelet and Austin got me one for my birthday last month. The idea behind the bracelet is that you {or the person gifting you the bracelet} chooses 1 word to describe or motivate you that is then engraved on a washer and attached to a bracelet. The word I received is PASSION and I don’t think I could have chosen a better word for me if I tried! I absolutely love wearing this and being able to look down throughout the day and know that my passion for health and fitness, my passion for helping people live a healthier life and my passion to be successful is driving me forward every single day!

I also added a duo of pelistones bracelets to my collection, one being the Amazonite | Hamsa Charm Bracelet, wrist mala for Balanced Energy + Protection and the other being the Howlite | Key Charm Bracelet, wrist mala for Calm + Possibility. I wear them both as a constant reminder that I am enough and I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be in life. The owner of this company is  also an absolute doll and I couldn’t be happier that I found this awesome line through the blogging community and can support her in her journey, while deepening my sense of self. 

Family: I absolutely love MN summers {I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned that a time or 2 before} because the days get so long, which leaves more time to soak up some Vitamin D in the great outdoors! Lately, Austin and I have been into hiking and although there aren’t any mountains in Minnesota, there are plenty of trails and state parks with awesome views that we enjoy spending time adventuring around. My guess is that some of these hikes were about to embark on throughout the West Coast will blow our MN hikes away, but hey I still enjoy them {as does Miss Joie who KILLED her 1st hike with us over the 4th of July}!

My August Intention: Take all the photos! We’re traveling down the West Coast and you can bet we’re about to get some killer shots with our brand new camera! And on a more serious note, I intend to spend some of the best quality time with my loved ones, be present with them and reset myself and my mind before {dare I say it} returning to work. 

hiking, active lifestyle, healthy living, workout, stay active, motivation, fitness, health nut, outdoors, family

Chat with me! 

What have you been up to this summer? Any big plans for August? I want to hear it all!

Follow along with me on Facebook//Instagram//Twitter//Pinterest and SNAPCHAT [definefettle] to ensure you don’t miss out on healthy recipes, workouts, and daily inspiration. 





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