Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cookies

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cookies

I've turned one of my favorite childhood Christmas cookies into a grain free, gluten free option so I can still enjoy them year after year. This might be my best recipe yet!

Dark Chocolate, Justin's, Define Fettle, Cookie Recipes, Health Coach, 21DSD, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Simple Recipes, Easy, Quick, Delicious

Holy cow you guys, how is it already the week of Christmas?! And of course, my yearly {I’m going to start Christmas shopping early} has turned into me running around like a chicken with my head cut off getting the last of my gifts together. Now add baking {Paleo} cookies, attending holiday parties, teaching yoga and trying to prepare for a long weekend of traveling into the mix {on top of my full time job} and I’ve got myself a pretty busy week ahead! But hey, it’s the Monday before Christmas so how can you NOT be happy and filled with Christmas cheer throughout the craziness?!

Holiday Cookies, Paleo Blog, Paleo Recipes, Real Food, Eat Real Food, Primal, Health, Healthy, Eat Clean, Clean Eating, Minnesota, Minneapolis, Define Fettle, Health Coach, Wellness Coach

Yesterday I even fulfilled a lifelong dream of mine {To Adopt A Family In Need For The Holidays}. I not only wanted to adopt a family, but I wanted to be able to personally deliver the gifts to the them as this seems 1000x more gratifying to me. Because this goes against the anonymity of most of the holiday adoption programs, it took me a bit to find something that fulfilled all of the criteria I was looking for in a program, but finally I found one. I chose to go through Adopt A Family Angels, which is a program started here in MN by {a couple families just wanting to help connect people with needy families so that their children can enjoy the holidays without the stress of adult issues}. How it works is that there is a large Facebook Group where a short blurb about families looking to be adopted are posted for everyone to see {removing any identifying information for the family in need}. If something about the family speaks to you, then you simply ‘LIKE’ the post and email the team at Adopt A Family Angels to let them know that you are interested in adopting that family and then you are sent the family’s contact information, Christmas lists and from there it is up to you to coordinate a time/place to give your gifts to them. It was literally such a simple and rewarding experience; I am confident that I will continue to adopt families through this program for years to come!

So that experience definitely started all of the warm and cozy holiday feels, but I know that there will be lots more where that came from as we have a family filled Christmas weekend to look forward to and I’m packing all of the Christmas sweaters, hot cocoa and tasty cookies in my suitcase {along with some gym essentials of course}. Paleo Cutout Cookies are a holiday staple for me, as they remind me of my grandmas famous cutout cookies, but are just a tad healthier {don’t tell her I said that} however this year there’s a new cookie in town and it’s head to head in a battle with my Paleo Cutout Cookies for the title of {Britany’s Favorite Christmas Cookie}.

This year I recreated a cookie recipe from the one and only, Deneen Schulz {my momma} and it literally couldn’t have been easier. I feel like I say that all of the time, but honestly it’s the truth. I double dog dare you {ok 2nd grade} to find a Christmas cookie recipe that takes less time/is more simple… it’s just not going to happen. PLUS they are semi-healthy for you too {only semi because sugar is still sugar no matter what and it’s an ingredient that we need to use sparingly in everyday life} what more could you ask for?!

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cookies

{Printable Recipe} 


·       1 Large Egg

·       1C. Almond Butter

·       1C. Coconut Sugar

·       2 Bags Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

·       Coconut Oil or Coconut Oil Spray




1.     Preheat the oven to 350 degrees

2.     Use coconut oil {or spray} to grease the mini muffin pan

3.     Combine the egg, almond butter, and coconut sugar in a medium sized bowl and mix until well combined

4.     Roll into small dough balls and place each individually into the mini muffin pan

5.     Place into the oven and cook for 7-8 minutes

6.     Remove from oven and press 1 peanut butter cup into each cookie

7.     Immediately set in a cool place {outside or in the refrigerator} so that the chocolate does not melt

8.     Allow to set 15-20 minutes to fully cool

9.     Then ENJOY!



Chat with me!

What are your favorite holiday cookie recipes? Do you have big travel plans for the big weekend ahead? What did you ask Santa for this year?

 P.S. For more Paleo Christmas Cookie Recipes checkout my 3 Ingredient Almond Butter Cookies, my Sea Salt Dark Chocolate Almond Clusters or my Paleo Peppermint Bark.

P.P.S. Be sure to follow along with me on Facebook//Instagram//Twitter//Pinterest and Snapchat [definefettle] to ensure you don’t miss out on healthy recipes, workouts, and daily inspiration.

Peanut Butter Cup Cookies, Grain Free, Gluten Free, Healthy, Health Foods, Clean Eats, Almond Butter, Christmas Cookies, Holiday Cookies

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