Paleo Style Green Bean Casserole

10 Things I’m Grateful For + Paleo Style Green Bean Casserole

Thanksgiving is not only a time to fill our stomachs with turkey, cranberries, and pumpkin pie, but it’s a time to reflect on all of the things in life that we have to be grateful for...

cream of mushroom soup, paleo, healthy recipes, recipes, green beans, mushrooms, paleo, health coach, 


Although I’m not the biggest fan of cold, MN winters, the holiday season is something that I can definitely get on board with. In my eyes, the holidays start with Thanksgiving and end with New Years, so in reality {the most wonderful time of the year} is <24hours away. Can I get a WOOHOO?!

Thanksgiving is not only a time to fill our stomachs with turkey, cranberries, and pumpkin pie, but it’s a time to reflect on all of the things in life that we have to be grateful for. I realize that this can bring up some controversy, as we should ALWAYS be thankful for all of our blessings in life, but let’s be real here just for a minute. Just because we choose to celebrate Thanksgiving, doesn’t mean that the rest of the year we’re ungrateful, selfish brats. It just means that each year, we appreciate the time away from work {unless you’re in retail} to spend with those that are held closest to our hearts, to spend time with the ones that we are so grateful to have in our lives.

That said, this blog post is a double whammy! First and foremost, I have decided to share 10 of the things I am grateful for and then second comes the recipe for my Paleo Style Green Bean Casserole. So, let’s get this list started! Here they are, in no specific order.




1.     My bf: He’s pretty amazing and I cannot even list all of the things he’s done for me over the years.

2.     My pup: Joie literally brightens up every single day and the words {she’s so cute} come out of my mouth a minimum of 50 times an hour--- but really, that’s no joke.

3.     My family: Immediate and extended family the same, I have a deep love for every single one of them.

4.     Coffee: I’m talking quality coffee, not that gas station BS people drink. And yes, I have a moderate size addiction.

5.     My friends: Who else would keep me sane throughout this crazy life? We laugh, dance, and dream together and I wouldn’t trade any of them for the world.

6.     My health: Because if I didn’t have my health, idk where I would be or what I would be doing.

7.     A flexible day job: Yes, you heard me I’m thankful for my job! It allows me to funding and flexibility to pursue my dreams and passions!

8.     The opportunity to travel: Because this world is too gorgeous not to see it all!

9.     My creative community: I’ve met so many people both online and here in MPLS over the past year, and I am extremely grateful for their time, talents and career goals that are as crazy as my own.

10. Justin’s dark chocolate PB cups: Did you really think I could make a list like this and not include food? These babies are my vice lately! But ok, big picture, I’m so grateful to have so many real food options available at stores near me. Whether it’s shelves stacked full of produce or items from new companies devoted to real food, I feel blessed to even have the options!

That is only 10 people, but there are countless others as well! And now on to the recipe…


{Printable Recipe}

real food, whole30, 21dsd, 21 day sugar detox, holiday, side dishes, primal, paleo, no preservatives


·      1lb. Fresh Green Beans

·      1 Batch {Paleo Cream Of Mushroom Soup}

·      2 Eggs

·      1 White Onion

·      1C. Tapioca Starch

·      2 Tbsp. Coconut Oil


1.     Preheat the oven to 375 degrees

2.     Tip the green beans if not already done {option: leave beans whole or cut into smaller pieces

3.     Fill an 8x10 glass dish with beans, then cover with the Cream Of Mushroom Soup

4.     Place the dish into the oven and cook for 40minutes {or until the beans are tender to your liking}

5.     While the beans are cooking, thinly slice the onion

6.     In a small bowl beat 2 eggs until well mixed

7.     In a separate bowl add the tapioca starch

8.     Individually take your onions and dip them into the egg mixture, then into the tapioca starch ensuring they are thoroughly coated

9.     On the stovetop add 2Tbsp. coconut oil and heat until the oil turns to liquid

10. Place the onions into the pan and fry for 1-2 minutes on each side, continue until all of the onions are cooked

11. After 40 minutes, remove the beans from the oven and top with the fried onions

12. Then place the casserole back into the oven and cook for 5 more minutes

13. And that’s all there is to homemade green bean casserole!




 Chat with me!

What are your plans for the most traveled day in America? Are you staying close to home or hopping on a plane and going hundreds of miles away? Either way, I’m wishing you and your family a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving Holiday!

P.S. For more Paleo Thanksgiving Recipes checkout my Sweet Potato Casserole, Balsamic Roasted Beets + Broccoli, Paleo Pumpkin Spice Latte, and for dessert, my Cranberry Walnut Energy Bites!

 P.P.S. Be sure to follow along with me on Facebook//Instagram//Twitter//Pinterest and Snapchat [definefettle] to ensure you don’t miss out on healthy recipes, workouts, and daily inspiration.

paleo green bean casserole, paleo thanksgiving, green beans, healthy recipes, healthy food,