Homemade Cold-Brew Coffee

Homemade Cold-Brew Coffee

This super simple home brewed coffee is 10x more delicious than anything sold in coffee shops, for only a fraction of the cost!

chemex, coffee, coffee grinder, fresh beans, food scale, homemade, recipes, cold brew, iced coffee


Another weekend here + gone, and although Monday's aren't really my jam, I can't help but have a big a** smile on my face because I'm that much closer to my West Coast Getaway! With only 2 1/2 weeks to go, you know that most of my weekend was spent planning + buying things for the trip, yet we still managed to sneak some time for housework, a housewarming party {just feeling a little old here} + even a movie night! The movie night is actually pretty surprising being that I RARELY watch any kind of tv, Netflix, movies, etc. but sometimes you just get that craving to cuddle up + do nothing {am I right?!}

paleo living, recipes, define fettle, coffee, cold brew, iced coffee, 

In addition to being able to set my own schedule, cook fresh meals in my kitchen, work on my to-do list uninterrupted, and spend unlimited quality time w/ the bf and pup, weekends always have me craving more. More what? COFFEE.

I try really hard {most of the time} to stay away from coffee + caffeinated beverages during the week for multiple different reasons {high acidity, GI irritation, release of cortisol, stained teeth, etc.} but when the weekend rolls around I'm all about a morning cup {or jar} of Joe.

Partially because I've turned into somewhat of a {coffee snob} and partially because I like to think I'm trying to save money, I usually end up brewing my own coffee at home. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the idea of going out for coffee, but 1) my favorite coffee shops in town tend to be reserved for special occasions {$$$} 2) frankly, I'm over generic coffee shops 3) our home brewed coffee is BOMB!

Which is exactly why I'm sharing my recipe for homemade cold brew coffee with you today! Maybe you're a coffee connoisseur like me, maybe you're trying to save some money, or maybe you just really like cold brew--- either way, I promise you'll love this and it's perfect for summertime sippin' any day of the week!

                      Homemade Cold-Brew Coffee


·       28ish {more for stronger coffee, less for weaker} grams of your favorite coffee grounds {These beans from Peace Coffee are my current obsession}

·       30oz. filtered H2O

Other Items You Will Need:

·       Food Scale

·       A Chemex Coffee Maker + Filters, A French Press OR Cheese Cloth + A Fine Mesh Strainer {personally I’m a fan of the chemex}

·       A Quart Sized Mason Jar {or similar sized sealed container}


1.     Start by adding the coffee grounds to the mason jar

2.     Then fill the rest of the way to the top with filtered water

3.     Placed the lid on the jar {or container} and place in the refrigerator overnight

4.     Upon waking, strain the liquid through whichever device you’ve chosen {chemex, French press or strainer

5. Add a little unsweetened almond milk, maple syrup OR both and ENJOY!

 Simple as that guys + way cheaper than coffee shop prices!

 Have you ever made your own cold press? Is your recipe similar?

Cold brew coffee, homemade, recipe, cost effective, cheap, easy, simple, summertime

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