Personal Training Packages!

o   Individual: Within each 60 min. session you will get the one on one attention you deserve. Each workout is individualized for you with your specific goals in mind. A typical session includes a warm up, endurance & strengthening exercises, then followed by a cool down & flexibility training. You will be held accountable for exercising on your own on those days we are unable to work together. In addition to consistent exercise habits, I strongly recommend nutrition modification for all my clients. If you are truly interested in a lifestyle change, altering your diet is one of the most crucial aspects to focus on.

-Visit my lifestyle coaching or 21DSD page for more information on services I offer for nutritional guidance.

o   Duo: This option is VERY similar to the individual program as it runs 60 min. & includes a warm up, endurance & strength exercises, cool down, & flexibility training. However, I know many people who enjoy the fun competition & companionship of having good friends right there next to them while torching fat and toning their muscles, so if you’re one of those people, I created this option just for you!


contact me for rateS & more information.

Hi there!I'm Britany, a real food lover + fitness fanatic living in Minneapolis! I love nothing more than a good workout, a cup of hot coffee, nut butter, + very, very dark chocolate. Read more...

Hi there!

I'm Britany, a real food lover + fitness fanatic living in Minneapolis! I love nothing more than a good workout, a cup of hot coffee, nut butter, + very, very dark chocolate. Read more...